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Hidden Style

recent creations by Kosovas - Krenare Rugova On October 17th 2014 I went to my fave Kosovan fashion designer Krenare Rugova’s fashion show. Krenare Rugova named her new collection hidden; the location certainly enhanced the notion ‘hidden’ furthermore....

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Starbucks & Service

The more time I spend on the road, the more time I spend in Starbucks. The more time I spend in Starbucks, the more I see why they stay successful. There are a few locations that I frequent to prepare before meetings and to follow up after. All of them...

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Wonder Fonts

I was doing a collage with my son yesterday and cutting out letter from the news paper advertisements. I was telling him, who turns 8 tomorrow, that these are called fonts and he quickly said, “I know!”. Followed it with, “I have seen it on MS Paint.”....

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Of Web Apps & Architecture

In the recent months I have been asked several times what I think about the architecture of web apps, so I’ve decided to write this post. The architecture of web applications has been changing over the years and in this post I’d like to talk about where...

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I dont spend a ton of time in bars but theres a couple bars in the Boston area that I like a lot. BackBar is one of those bars, because it meets certain criteria. What I like in a bar is the creativity of the barman. To be honest, creativity is what I...

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Berbahaya Melihat Gerhana Matahari

Tahukah Kamu , Berbahaya Melihat Gerhana Matahari ? . Pada saat matahari bersinar seperti biasa, cahayanya samgat , menyilaukan sehingga kita tidak akan ada keinginan sedikitpun untuk melihat langsung ke arah Matahari.Ketika bulan mulai menutupi Matahari,...

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