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Things We Take For Granted in Canada

I was going to write a post about Orientation Week here and how it’s different from Canada, but most of that just fits into this post. 1: GINGER ALE: In Morocco, they say it takes about a month to get used to the food and spices. As such, your stomach...

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RnB Dance Tracks 92

Brianna Perry - I’m That B.I.T.C.H http://rockdizfile.com/kie44sbeyvsr Lights - Up We Go (CDQ) http://rockdizfile.com/mvfhu1t1279a Trey Songz - Foreign (J-Hyphen RMX) http://rockdizfile.com/5q86wik361i4 Whitney Houston – I Learned From The Best (Gryffin...

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Article publié depuis Overblog

Recensie Kun je in tekst en beeld een weergave maken van de hel? In zijn graphic novel Elke dag sterven doet schrijver en columnist Luuk Koelman een aardige poging. In de hel van Koelman regent het op vrijwel elke pagina. Zelfs op bladzijdes zonder tekst...

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Why Mobile WON’T Be King

To paraphrase what seems to be old news by now, analysts say decreasing PC sales mark the end of the desktop reign, and with it the traditional paradigm of how we understand technology. Even five years ago, you would have been on the fringes to hypothesize...

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First Day of School

After a whole month of everyone else in Canada being back at university, and now starting midterms, I finally started school today. And what a day it was! Hajo, Caleb and I woke up early and left the house for what we assumed would be a 30 minute commute...

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